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Google Analytics REAL-TIME / Active users right now

I would like to inquire about the LaMetric Time, if it would be possible somehow to show the REAL-TIME / Active users, instead of daily visitors on Google, similar to the YouTube counter. 

I think seeing the live visitors would be more important than the daily visitors.

Best Regards,


7 people like this idea

YES! +1

1 person likes this

 me too :)

I agree! Please add it :)

This would be great!

That would be fine and make sense! Thx

I agree.


Unfortunately, currently, the Analytics Visitors app doesn't support this feature. 

But we appreciate this idea and will consider it when working on further updates.

Our team is always working on improvements and strive to deliver the best quality to our customers. Please follow our Development Roadmap to stay tuned. Although sometimes we face some technical limitations we constantly work on the updates and put maximum efforts polishing core features to deliver the best product quality.  

If you have any other questions please drop email on

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