Did you manage to open it? Were you able to add a battery to the unit?
over 7 years ago
..I opened without any problems but in addition to the battery you must also add the battery control circuit. Does anyone know things need to be added?... without schematic diagram is very difficult
Karel H
over 5 years ago
I see AXP209 chip in the video, mentioned above here. This is battery charging controller used widely in portable devices. So there should be battery support already on the board. There is also a LaMetric Charging Daemon (can be seen inside firmware file) which should be run automatically at every boot (from /etc/init.d/S03lmchd). What I can not find from video (and also I have not yet opened my own device) is where are battery connections on the board. What I want to do, is to make device powered from uninterrupted power source or add battery inside device. I tried to power it up from different 12V to 5V converters (I have already 12V power system with backup batteries) with enough amperage, but with most of these LaMetric device will not start at all or will go blank while connecting to wifi (measured maximum 0,3A power taken so far). Only original adapter and one USB power bank will work.
Vitaly Sazanovich
about 3 years ago
You actually need to push the plastic brackets and pull the cover at the same time. Start from one side.
almost 3 years ago
So the leometric is understandable, but what model?
smith jands
over 2 years ago
Open the device
Remove sdcard
clone sdcard
mount the filesystem of the clone
modify the root password
write changes to sdcard
boot with new sdcard
hello to all, someone knows how to open LAMETRIC? I have no battery version and would like to add IT .. how do I open it without damage?
I've the battery version but I opened it a few months ago. Remove the rubber feet on the bottom. Then very carefully pry the plastic brackets.
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I've the battery version but I opened it a few months ago. Remove the rubber feet on the bottom. Then very carefully pry the plastic brackets.
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Trip Kebab
Did you manage to open it? Were you able to add a battery to the unit?
..I opened without any problems but in addition to the battery you must also add the battery control circuit. Does anyone know things need to be added?... without schematic diagram is very difficult
Karel H
Vitaly Sazanovich
You actually need to push the plastic brackets and pull the cover at the same time. Start from one side.
So the leometric is understandable, but what model?
smith jands
Open the device
Remove sdcard
clone sdcard
mount the filesystem of the clone
modify the root password
write changes to sdcard
boot with new sdcard
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