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request for Facebook page Like giveaway random winner


I am not capable of creating an app, but have an usefull and fun request.

The idea would be to random select a winner of a contest you do on facebook. So you can show live who has won and make it fun to watch while running the random select.

Create a push button app that 

0/Get the first letter of all your likes/followers page

1/scrolls these letters till you hit the button.

2/displays the first letter

3/get the second letter of the remaning likes/followers on your page

4/scroll these letters till you push

5/display first and second letter.

continue till you have a winner.

parameter field to fill in:

-facebook page

-likes included

-followers included

-start date (select which people can win)

-end date (by adding dates, you can run also new contests, more flexibility)

Happy to hear your remarks.

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