I'm trying to make an app that displays the opening (icon color green = OK, red = NOK warning) of the forests nearby for today. Indeed in case of strong wind and heat, the forests are closed due to fire forest risks... I think this app can be very usefull for hikers / mountainbikers in south of France.
I'm trying to make an app that displays the opening (icon color green = OK, red = NOK warning) of the forests nearby for today. Indeed in case of strong wind and heat, the forests are closed due to fire forest risks... I think this app can be very usefull for hikers / mountainbikers in south of France.
Here is my URL : http://forests.rf.gd
http://forests.rf.gd?departement=13&zone=7 returns the following :
Everything seem to be ok for me, but there is still "Wrong data format". Why ?
I'm using a free website hosting service for this, because I do not want to make money with that.