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Can LaMetric GET a data using REST api from another cloud solution?


I have a cloud security solution with REST API and I am curious if LaMetric can fetch the data from it using REST API?


1 Comment

Hello, Senad!

Thanks for writing to us.

If you register on as a developer you can create a simple app such as Indicator application in order to show the information on the LaMetric Time.  

You can create Indicator app with a "poll" mechanism of delivering data. The application will poll your server with a predefined time interval and update the data on the device's display. In this case, you will be able to specify additional options that will be sent to your API endpoint as a query parameters. 
Here you can find our tutorial on how to use "poll" as the method of getting the data -
We hope this helps.
Please do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions. We'll be glad to help you.

Best regards,

LaMetric Support Team

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